9. August 2022 - 08:54 Uhr
9. August 2022 - 08:54 Uhr

Race and Faction Change

WoW Developer Pazorax confirmed tonight, that they will be adding Race and Faction Change Service to the shop in a future patch.

Originally, we planned not to offer Race and Faction change at all, because it felt like it removed some of that fantasy feeling of having dramatically different physical attributes that affect your gameplay. We were also a little worried about players chasing the “flavor of the month” in terms of racial abilities However, we’re convinced by the argument that being able to play with your friends is more important, and that you should be able to bring your accomplishments with you when you do. This turns out to be the same tradeoff provided by transferring between realms, which is already available as a paid service, so it makes sense to make the same decision with respect to Race and Faction change.

In short, this fits our aim to nurture and protect social experiences, so we’ll work on it for an upcoming patch.

WoW Developer Pazorax

Source: us.forums.blizzard

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