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Monday, 14. November 2022

Engineering – Wrath Classic

In this WoW Classic profession guide you will learn how to level up the Engineering profession in in Wrath of the Lich King Classic quickly and efficiently. Of course there are also corresponding guides for Classic Engineering and Burning Crusade Engineering. You want to level up another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.

This guide is based on the state of the closed beta.
Changes are still possible at any time.

Northrend Engineering Trainer

Wrath of the Lich King Classic Ingenieurskunst kann von folgenden Lehrern erlernt werden:

Engineering: 1-375

If your profession is not yet at least 350, the Classic Engineering Guide and the Burning Crusade Engineering Guide will help you. Whether you want to skill from 350 to 375 with Northrend recipes or still with Burning Crusade materials is up to you (and the prices in your auction house).

Engineering: 350-450

noted Shopping List

The following list of materials is only a rough guide to get an overview of the quantitative dimensions of reagents needed to skill at maximum level! Depending on your luck or bad luck with the yellow/green recipes you might need more or less materials.

TSM Shopping List String

Wenn du TSM installiert hast kannst du dir mit dem untenstehenden Code die Materialien des Einkaufszettels in deine Shopping-Liste laden. Wie geht das siehst du in diesem kleinen Clip:


Leveling Guide

Skilling engineering always starts out very material-intensive, but making a large number of the components you’ll need later right at the beginning saves you a lot of time later on.


35x Handful of Cobalt Bolts – 70 Cobalt Bar

Here you will need about 50 later, per craft you get 1-3.

The recipe is yellow, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.


14x Volatile Blasting Trigger – 42 Cobalt Bars, 14 Crystallized Water

Here you will need 26 later, but per craft you get directly 2!



15x Froststeel Tube – 120 Cobalt Bar, 15 Crystallized Water

Here you make more than needed for the 10 points, but you will need the tubes later.

The recipe is yellow, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.


5x Goblin Beam Welder – 30 Saronite Bars, 15 Crystallized Fire, 15 Crystallized Water


10-12x Mana Injector Kit – 144 Saronite Bars, 24 Crystallized Water

The recipe is yellow from 420, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.


20-24 x Gnomish Army Knife – 200-240 Saronite Bar, 20-24 Skinning Knife, 20-24 Blacksmith Hammer, 20-24 Mining Pick

The recipe is yellow from 440, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.


Gnomish Engineering

In BC you will be able to craft ilvl 95 Gnomish Power Goggles and Gnomish Battle Goggles, learned from trainers.

To become a Gnomish Engineer, pick up the quest Diese Quest ist zu erledigen!The Pledge of Secrecy from WoW Allianz Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge or WoW Horde Oglethorpe Obnoticus in Booty Bay. Finish the follow-up quest  Diese Quest ist zu erledigen!Show Your Work by handing in:

If you craft all that stuff yourself you need the following reagents:

Goblin Engineering

In BC you will be able to craft ilvl 95 Foreman’s Reinforced Helmet and Foreman’s Enchanted Helmet.

To become a Goblin Engineer, pick up the quest Diese Quest ist zu erledigen!The Pledge of Secrecy from Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.
Finish the follow-up quest Diese Quest ist zu erledigen!Show Your Work by handing in the following:

If you craft all that stuff yourself you need the following reagents:

Useful Engineering Schematics

Mounts & Jeeves

WoW Horde Schematic: Mechano-hog requires Horde Expedition– Exalted
WoW Allianz Schematic: Mekgineer’s Chopper requires Alliance Vanguard – Exalted

Schematic: Jeeves is more likely to be obtained from dismantling mechanical opponents in the Ulduar raid, but also from other mechanical opponents of Northrend. Jeeves is extremely useful in dungeons and raids and should be part of every Northrend engineer’s kit.


The engineers’ ammunition is the best to use in Northrend. So it pays to make and sell them!

Iceblade Arrow (Arrows), taught to Gnome Engineers by Findle Whistlesteam in Dalaran.
Shatter Rounds (Bullets) taught to Goblin Engineers by Didi the Wrench in Dalaran.


Bauplan: Werkzeugkasten aus Titanverkauf

Fariel Sternensang – Vendor in Mondlichtung

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