In this WoW Classic profession guide you will learn how to level up the Skinning profession in in World of Warcraft Classic (20th Anniversary Classic Fresh-, Season of Discovery- and Classic Era-Server) quickly and efficiently. Of course there is also a corresponding Burning Crusade Skinning guide. You want to level up another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.
General Information
- Skinning is one of three Gathering Professions in World of Warcraft.
- Kill beasts, dragons, dragonkins and insects – you can skin all of them!
- Gathering professions do not use raw materials, they gather them – so they do not cost gold to level but get you gold if you sell your materials.
- Raw Leather is used by the Leatherworking profession.
- It is recommended to use Leatherworking as your second profession.
Skinning trainers
With Burning Crusade, every profession is fully learnable up to 300 from the teachers in the capitals.
Don’t forget to visit your profession trainer to not waste any time!
Apprentice (1-75 | requires Level 5)
Trainer in every major city
Journeyman (75-150 | requires Skill 50)
Trainer in every major city
Expert (150-225 | requires Skill 125)
Trainer in every major city
Artisan (225-300 | requires Skill 200)
Trainer in every major city
NPC Level per Leather
Ruined Leather Scraps: 1-16
Light Leather: 1-27
Light Hide: 10-27
Medium Leather: 15-36
Medium Hide: 15-36
Heavy Leather: 25-46
Heavy Hide: 25-46
Thick Leather: 35-63
Thick Hide: 40-59
Rugged Leather: 43-63
Rugged Hide: 47-63
Leveling Classic-Skinning: 1-300
Skill 1 – Level 5
Undead: Dogs around Brill
Orcs and Trolls: Boars and Scorpions near Sen’jin
Tauren: Wolfs and Striders around Bloodhoof Village Humans: Boars around Goldshire
Gnomes and Dwarfs: Boars and Wendigos south of Kharanos
Night Elfs: Prowler and every other beast around Dolanaar
Skill 25 – Level 10
Undead: Worgen in Silverpine Forest
Orcs and Trolls: Boars, Scorpions, Crocilisks and Raptors around Orgrimmar
Tauren: Striders and Wolves around Thunderbluff Humans: Prowler and Bears in East Elwynn Forest
Gnomes and Dwarfs: Wolves near Brewnall (Dun Morogh)
Night Elfs: Panthers and Bears near Auberdine (Darkshore)
Skill 50 – Level 13
At this point, every Horde player should head to Crossroads in the Barrens. There are Striders, Raptors and Wolves to skin. Humans: Boars near Sentinel Hill (Westfall)
Gnomes and Dwarfs: Bears and Crocilisks near Thelsamar (Loch Modan)
Night Elfs: Panthers and Bears near Auberdine (Darkshore) Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 50 to learn the next rank!
Skill 100 – Level 20
Boars and Thunderhawks near Camp Taurajo (Barrens)
At this point, every Alliance player should head to go to Redrige Mountains and find Welps and Boars around Lakeshire. With Skill 110 you can go to the Wetlands. There are Crocilisks, Raptors and Dragonkins/Welplings to skin. Most of the beasts there are Level 21/22, so Skill 110 is advised.
Skill 130 – Level 24
Bears and Mountain Lions in Hillsbrad Foothills Alternatives:
Bears and Wolves in Duskwood (Alliance only)
Bears, Stags and Panthers in Ashenvale Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 125 to learn the next rank!
Skill 150 – Level 28
Yetis (in a cave!) and Mountain Lions beneath Hillsbrad Foothills and Alterac Mountains Alternatives:
Hyenas, Lions, Wyvern and Thunderhawks in Thousand Needles
Bears, Stags and Ghostpaws in Ashenvale
Skill 170 – Level 32
Raptors in Arathi Highlands Alternative:
Turtles and Basilisks in the Shimmering Flats (Thousand Needles)
Skill 180 – Level 34
Raptors, Panthers and Tigers around Nesingwarys (Stranglethorn Vale)
HINT: You can level in Stranglethorn until you reach Skill 300, since beasts levels vary from 34-50Alternatives:
Raptors and Crocilisks in the Marshs of Dustwallow
Thunder Lizards, Kodos, Basilisks, Scorpions and Hyenas in Desolace
Welps in the Wetlands
Skill 220 – Level 38
Raptors and Gorillas around the Gurubashi Arena (Stranglethorn Vale) Alternatives:
Panthers, Jaguars and Crocilisks in the Swamp of Sorrows
Drachkins, Coyotes and Panthers in the Badlands
Wolves around Moonfeather Stronghold (Feralas) Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 225 to learn the next rank!
Skill 250 – Level 45
Hyenas and Board in the Northern Blasted Lands Alternatives:
Wolves and Gryphons in the Hinterlands
Stags and Hippogryphs in in Azshara
Hippogryphs , Apes, Bears, Wolves and Yetis in Feralas
Skill 275 – Level 50
Jagueros and Gorillas on Jaguero Isle (East of Booty Bay). Reach Skill 300 here! Alternatives:
Yetis, Chimearas and Bears in Winterspring
Bears in the Western Plaguelands
Plaguehounds and Plaguebats in the Eastern Plaguelands
Turtles in eastern Hinterlands
Turtles and Chimaeras in Azshara
Dragonkins, Worgen und Scorpions in the Burning Steppes
For suggestions, improvement proposals (e.g. cheaper or faster possibilities) or
to report bugs you can always contact me on the Goldgoblin Discord.
Thank you very much!