In this WoW Classic profession guide you will learn how to level up the Herbalism profession in in World of Warcraft Classic (20th Anniversary Classic Fresh-, Season of Discovery- and Classic Era-Server) quickly and efficiently. Of course there is also a corresponding Burning Crusade Herbalism guide. You want to level up another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.
General Information
- Herbalism is one of three Gathering Professions in World of Warcraft.
- You only need your hands to gather herbs.
- This profession does not craft anything, it only gets you materials so it does not cost Gold.
- The herbs are used by alchemists to craft elixirs and flasks.
Herbalism trainers
With Burning Crusade, every profession is fully learnable up to 300 from the teachers in the capitals.
Don’t forget to visit your profession trainer to not waste any time!
Apprentice (1-75 | requires Level 5)
Trainer in every major city
Journeyman (75-150 | requires Skill 50)
Trainer in every major city
Expert (150-225 | requires Skill 125)
Trainer in every major city
Artisan (225-300 | requires Skill 200)
Trainer in every major city
Available herbs in Classic
Every herb in World of Warcraft has its own Skill-Level-Requirement. Here’s what the colors mean:
- 1 Herbs that are ingame marked in orange always grant a skill point.
- 25 Herbs that are ingame marked in yellow often grant a skill point.
- 50 Herbs that are ingame marked in green sometimes grant a skill point.
- 100 Herbs that are ingame marked in grey never grant a skill point.
Friedensblume | 12550100 |
Silberblatt | 12550100 |
Erdwurzel | 154065115 |
Maguskönigskraut | 5075100150 |
Wilddornrose | 7095120170 |
Würgetang | 85110135185 |
Beulengras | 100125150200 |
Wildstahlblume | 115140165215 |
Grabmoos | 120145170220 |
Königsblut | 125150175225 |
Lebenswurz | 150175200250 |
Blassblatt | 160185210260 |
Golddorn | 170195220270 |
Khadgars Schnurrbart | 185210235285 |
Wintersbite | 195220245295 |
Firebloom | 205230255305 |
Purple Lotus | 210235260210 |
Arthas’ Tears | 220245270 |
Sungrass | 230255280 |
Blindweed | 235260285 |
Ghost Mushroom | 245270295 |
Gromsblood | 250275300 |
Golden Sansam | 260275310 |
Dreamfoil | 270295 |
Mountain Silversage | 280305 |
Plaguebloom | 285 |
Icecap | 290 |
Black Lotus | 300 |
Leveling Classic-Herbalism: 1-300
1 – 50
Friedensblume and Silberblatt 12550100
Orcs/Trolls – Durotar: Circle around Razor Hill to Sen’jin
Tauren – Mulgore: Circle around Bloodhoof Village and Thunderbluff
Undead – Tirisfal: Start at Sollidens Farm and head North to the mills. Then go south to Stillwater Lake and back to the Farm.
Dwarfs – Dun Morogh: Circle around Kharanos until you reach Brewnall in the zones West
Night Elfs – Teldrassil: Circle around Dolanaar
Humans – Elwynn Forest: Just do full circuits around the whole area (except Northshire) You will find Peacebloom and Silverleaf easily in every starting zone. The first 50 Skill points should take no time at all. Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 50 to learn the next rank!
50 – 70
Erdwurzel 154065115 and Maguskönigskraut 5075100150
Barrens: Head West starting in Crossroads until you reach Stonetalon Mountains. Cross the Harpy Area and head back to East, back on the Golden Road und South again, heading back to Crossroads.
Alliance players can farm on Westfalls shore until they reach the Deaminds, then up to Sentinel Hill and back to the shore.
Gol’Bolar is a great alternative in Dun Morogh.
Darkshore: Just run big circles around the whole zone.
70 – 100
Wilddornrose 7095120170
Barrens: Same Route like from 50-70. If you want to, you can extend your route around the whole zone.
Silverpine Forest: The southern part of the zone is useful to farm Briarthorn.
Alliance players can stay in Westfall or take a turn in Duskwood.
Full circuits from North to South in Darkshore are also viable.
Loch Modan’s East is a great spot for Briarthorn.
Also, around the lake in Redridge Mountains.
100 – 115
Beulengras 100125150200
- Ashenvale: Full circles around Mystral Lake or go West of Astranaar. Barrens: The Field of Giants or the area between the two Razorfen dungeons.
- Loch Modan: Farm right beside the eastern shore. Redridge Mountains: Circle around Stonewatch Keep.Text
116 – 125
Wildstahlblume 115140165215
- Arathi Highlands: Full circles around the zone (head towards mountains).
- Stranglethorn Vale: Around the Nek’mani or Zuuldaia Ruinen, north of Grom’gol.
- Barrens: The Field of Giants or the area between the two Razorfen dungeons.
- Thousand Needles
- Wetlands
Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 125 to learn the next rank!
125 – 160
Königsblut 125150175225
- Ashenvale: Full circles around the zone.
- Stonetalon Mountains: Full circles around the zone.
- Wetlands: Full circles around the zone.
- Hillsbrad Foothills: Full circles around the zone.
160 – 185
Blassblatt 160185210260
For Dreamfoil, the best area is Swamp of Sorrows. Just go fully around the area.
185 – 205
Khadgar’s Schnurrbart 185210235285
- Hinterlands: Full circles around the zone.
- Arathi Highlands: Run or ride circles around the ogre and troll villages.
- Swamp of Sorrows: Full circles around the zone.
205 – 230
Feuerblüte 205230255305
- Searing Gorge: Do full circles around the zone.
- Blasted Lands: Do full circles around the zone.
- Tanaris also has a lot of Firebloom, but it’s a big zone compared to the other ones.
Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 200 to learn the next rank!
230 – 250
Sonnengras 230255280
- Hinterlands: Get some distance to the main road and follow her through the zone, first on the upper half of the zone and on the way back below the road.
- Felwood: Zig-Zag through the Felwood and do full circles.
- Feralas: There are two routes in this zone: First of all only the north of the zone and second a route including Feralas’ south (if you have a lot of time!).
250 – 270
Gromsblut 250275300
- Felwood: Zig-Zag through the Felwood and do full circles.
- Desolace: Run circles around Mannoroc Cove.
- Blasted Lands: Just run full circles around the area.
270 – 285
Traumblatt 270295
- Un’goro Krater: Just run full circles
- Azshara: Not really a route here.
285 – 300
If you need recommendations for farming herbs, take a look at our Herbalism Farmguides.
For suggestions, improvement proposals (e.g. cheaper or faster possibilities) or
to report bugs you can always contact me on the Goldgoblin Discord.
Thank you very much!