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Friday, 2. July 2021


In this WoW Classic profession guide you will learn how to level up the Leatherworking profession in in World of Warcraft Classic (20th Anniversary Classic Fresh-, Season of Discovery- and Classic Era-Server) quickly and efficiently. Of course there is also a corresponding Burning Crusade Leatherworking guide. You want to level up another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.

General Information

  • Leatherworking is one of six Crafting Professions.
  • Leatherers do need Leather or Scales for their work, which can be gathered with the Skinning Profession from all beasts in World of Warcraft. They also need Threats and Dye which is usually sold by NPCs around the trainers.
  • If you don’t want to buy your leather on the auction house, Skinning is recommended as your second profession.
  • Leatherworking is used for crafting Leather gear or Mail gear.

Leatherworking Trainers

With Burning Crusade, every profession is fully learnable up to 300 from the teachers in the capitals.
Don’t forget to visit your profession trainer to not waste any materials!

Apprentice (1-75 | requires Level 5)
Trainer in every major city

Journeyman (75-150 | requires Skill 50 and Level 10)
Trainer in every major city

Experte  (150-225 | requires Skill 125 and Level 20)
WoW Allianz Telonis in Darnassus
WoW Horde Una in Thunderbluff

Artisan (225-300 | requires Skill 225 and Level 35)
WoW Allianz Drakk Stonehand in the Hinterlands
WoW Horde Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas

Leveling Classic Leatherworking: 1-300

noted Shopping List

The following list of materials is only a rough guide to get an overview of the quantitative dimensions of reagents needed to skill at maximum level! Depending on your luck or bad luck with the yellow/green recipes you might need more or less materials.

TSM Shopping List

If you have TSM installed you can use the code below to load the shopping list materials into your shopping list.
If you don’t know how to do that, take a look at the following clip:


Step by Step from 1 to 300

1 – 45

45 – 55

16 x Handgenähter Lederumhang – 32x Leichtes Leder, 16x Coarse Thread

Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 50 to learn the next rank!

55 – 100

47 x Geprägte Lederhandschuhe – 141x Leichtes Leder, 94 Coarse Thread

100 – 123

29 x Feiner Ledergürtel – 174x Leichtes Leder, 58 Coarse Thread

123 – 137

16 x Dunkle Lederstiefel – 64x Mittleres Leder, 32x Fine Thread, 16x Gray Dye

Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 125 to learn the next rank:
WoW Allianz Telonis in Darnassus
WoW Horde Una in Thunderbluff

137 – 155

24 x Dunkle Lederhose – 288x Mittleres Leder, 24x Fine Thread, 24x Gray Dye

155 – 165

10 x Lederhandschuhe des Hügelwächters – 140x Mittleres Leder, 40x Fine Thread

165 – 180

19 x Schweres Rüstungsset – 95x Schweres Leder, 19x Fine Thread

180 – 183

7 x Lederhandschuhe des Hügelwächters – 98 x Mittleres Leder, 28x Fine Thread

183 – 191

191 – 196

5 x Barbarischer Harnisch – 70x Schweres Leder, 5x Eiserne Gürtelschnalle, 10x Fine Thread

196 – 206

10 x Schwärzliche Armschienen
160x Schweres Leder, 10x Schwarzer Farbstoff, 20x Silk Thread

206 – 220

14 x Dickes Rüstungsset – 70x Dickes Leder, 14x Silk Thread

Keep 6 of them for the Leatherworking-Quest!

220 – 225

5 x Stirnband des Nachtschleichers – 25x Dickes Leder, 10x Silk Thread

Keep 2 of them for the Leatherworking-Quest!

Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 225 to learn the next rank:
WoW Allianz Drakk Stonehand in the Hinterlands
WoW Horde Hahrana Ironhide in Feralas

225 – 227

2 x Schildkrötenschuppenbrustplatte – 12x Dickes Leder, 24x Schildkrötenschuppe, 2x Silk Thread

Keep all of them for the Leatherworking-Quest!

227 – 229

2 x Schildkrötenschuppenhandschuhe – 12x Dickes Leder, 16x Schildkrötenschuppe, 2x Silk Thread

Keep all of them for the Leatherworking-Quest!

229 – 230

2 x Tunika des Nachtschleichers – 14x Dickes Leder, 4x Silk Thread

Keep all of them for the Leatherworking-Quest!

230 – 232

4 x Stirnband des Nachtschleichers – 20x Dickes Leder, 8x Silk Thread

232 – 233

2 x Schildkrötenschuppenarmschienen – 16x Dickes Leder, 24x Schildkrötenschuppe, 2x Silk Thread

Keep all of them for the Leatherworking-Quest!

233 – 235

2 x Schildkrötenschuppenhelm – 28x Dickes Leder, 48x Schildkrötenschuppe, 2x Silk Thread

Keep all of them for the Leatherworking-Quest!

235 – 237

2 x Hose des Nachtschleichers – 28x Dickes Leder, 8x Silk Thread

Keep all of them for the Leatherworking-Quest!

237 – 239

2 x Stiefel des Nachtschleichers – 32x Dickes Leder, 4xx Silk Thread

Keep all of them for the Leatherworking-Quest!

239 – 240

1 x Wildlederweste – 12x Dickes Leder, 2x Wildranke, 1x Geschmeidiger dicker Balg,

Keep all of them for the Leatherworking-Quest!

240 – 241

1 x Wildlederhelm – 10x Dickes Leder, 2x Wildranke, 1x Geschmeidiger dicker Balg

Keep all of them for the Leatherworking-Quest!

241 – 250

9 x Hose des Nachtschleichers – 126x Dickes Leder, 36x Silk Thread

250 – 265

16 x Stiefel des Nachtschleichers – 256x Dickes Leder, 32x Silk Thread

265 – 285

20 x Tückische Lederarmschienen – 160x Unverwüstliches Leder, 20x Rune Thread

285 – 300

15 x Tückisches Lederstirnband – 180x Unverwüstliches Leder, 15x Black Dye, 15x Rune Thread

For suggestions, improvement proposals (e.g. cheaper or faster possibilities) or
to report bugs you can always contact me on the Goldgoblin Discord.
Thank you very much!

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