In this WoW Classic profession guide you will learn how to level up the Cooking profession in in World of Warcraft Classic (20th Anniversary Classic Fresh-, Season of Discovery- and Classic Era-Server) quickly and efficiently. Of course there is also a corresponding Burning Crusade Cooking guide. You want to level up another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.
General Information
- Cooking is one of three secondary professions in World of Warcraft.
- With cooking you create food that has benefits when eaten (Buff-Food).
- Cooks need meat, thats looted from beasts or fish, that can be gatheres with the Fishing Profession. A lot of other stuff like spices are sold by NPCs near cooking trainers.
- You can cook Buff-Food for yourself or to sell it on the auction house.
Don’t forget to visit your profession trainer to not waste any materials!
Alliance Cooking trainers
- Stephen Ryback – Stormwind
- Daryl Riknussun – Ironforge
- Alegorn – Darnassus
- Gremlock Pilsnor – Dun Morogh
- Tomas – Elwynn Forest
- Zarrin – Teldrassil
Horde Cooking trainers
- Zamja – Orgrimmar
- Eunice Burch – Undercity
- Aska Mistrunner – Thunder Bluff
- Duhng – Barrens
- Mudduk – Stranglethorn Vale
- Pyall Silentstride – Mulgore
Don’t forget to train your Cooking before hitting the various level caps or you will waste materials.
Apprentice (1-75 | requires Level 5)
Journeyman (75-150 | requires Skill 50)
Expert (150-225 | requires Skill 125 and Level 20)
Artisan (225-300 | requires Skill 225 and Level 35)
Leveling Classic-Cooking: 1 – 300
1 – 50
Right at the start you can choose whatever materials you have in store:
55 x Verkohltes Wolfsfleisch – 55x Sehniges Wolfsfleisch
55 x Geröstetes Eberfleisch – 55x Brocken Eberfleisch
Alternatives: Kaldorei-Spinnenkebab (if you own Kleines Spinnenbein).
You will receive Rezept: Kaldorei-Spinnenkebab after finishing
Recipe of the Kaldorei.
You get it from Zarrin in Teldrassil. (Alliance only!)
Knuspriger Fledermausflügel (if you have spare Fleischiger Fledermausflügel).
You can buy Rezept: Knuspriger Fledermausflügel from Abigail Shiel in Tirisfal (Horde only!)
Skorpid Surprise (if you have spare Skorpidstachel).
You can buy Rezept: Skorpid Surprise from Grimtak in Durotar (Horde only!)
Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 50 to learn the next rank!
In Burning Crusade Classic you can skill from 1-40 with Spiced Bread (60 Conventional Flour, 60 Mild Spices) and then switch to the following step from 40. The advantage is that in the spice bread are exclusively materials, which you get at the vendor, which should be in most cases the cheaper variant.
50 – 80
40 x Geräuchertes Bärenfleisch – 40 Bärenfleisch
You get the recipe from Drac Roughcut in Thelsamar (Loch Modan) or
Andrew Hilbert in Silverpine Forest.
You also can cook Gewürztes Wolfsfleisch until Skill 70, if there is cheap Sehniges Wolfsfleisch at the auction house.
80 – 130
Visit your trainer and learn Gekochte Muscheln, then go to Darkshore or Ashenvale to Zoram Beach and farm Verkrusteter Gezeitenkriecher and other Sea Creatures.
First, cook 30 Gekochte Muscheln, the recipe turns green at 110 – after that, you cook Crab Cake until 130. Gekochte Muscheln (1x Muschelfleisch, 1x Erfrischendes Quellwasser) Krebsküchlein (1x Kriecherfleisch) You can find Muschelfleisch if you open Kleine rankenfüßige Muschel.
The Erfrischendes Quellwasser is sold by most Innkeepers.
Alliance players should buy Rezept: Gekochte Krebsschere from Kendor Kabonka in Stormwind, because when farming the Meat above there will drop a lot of Kriecherklaue. You can buy Rezept: Seltsam schmeckendes Omelett aswell.
With Skill 125 you can get the next rank! To become an Expert in Cooking, you need to be Level 20 and have Skill 125. Then you can buy Expertenkochbuch from Shandrina in Ashenvale or
Wulan in Desolace.
130 – 175
50 x Seltsam schmeckendes Omelett – 50x Raptorei
The recipe is sold by Kendor Kabonka in Stormwind and Keena in Arathi Highlands.
Horde players can get Rezept: Scharfe Löwenkoteletts from Zargh in the Barrens (Crossroads), if you have Löwenfleisch.
175 – 225
50 x Gerösteter Raptor – 50x Raptorfleisch
Rezept: Gerösteter Raptor is sold by Hammon Karwn and Keena (Arathi Highlands)
If you have Schildkrötenfleisch in your bags, you can cook Milde Schildkrötensuppe. To get the recipe, you have to finish the quest Turtle Bisque. The quest starts at Küchenchef Jessen or Christoph Jeffcoat in Hillsbrad Foothills.
Time to become an Artisan with finishing a quest! You have to finish the quest Clamlette Surprise, which you only get with level 35+ and Skill 225.
To finish it, you need the following materials and we recomment to get them before you travel to Gadgetzan:
- 12 x Riesenei
- 10 x Scharfes Muschelfleisch
- 20 x Alteraclochkäse
Alliance players start the quest with I Know A Guy… from Daryl Riknussun in Ironforge.
Horde players start the quest with To Gadgetzan You Go! from Zamja in Orgrimmar.
Both quests lead to Dirge Quikcleave in Gadgetzan. Hand him over the materials and he trains you Cooking (Artisan).
225 – 275
Choose one of the following 5 recipes and cook them about 65 times.
If you can buy some of the meat cheap at the auction house, you can easily cook them until 285.
- 65 x Monsteromelett – 65x Riesenei
Recipe is sold by Himmik in Winterspring (Everlook at the Inn). - 65 x Tender Wolf Steak – 65x Tender Wolf Meat
Recipe is sold by Dirge Quikcleave in Tanaris. - 65 x Rotkiemenfilet – 65 Roher Rotkiemen
Recipe is sold by Kelsey Yance in Booty Bay. - 65 x Muschelsuppe à la Undermine – 130 Scharfes Muschelfleisch, 65 Eiskalte Milch
Recipe is sold by Stupser in Tanaris. - 65 x Tüpfelgelbschwanz – 65 Roher Tüpfelgelbschwanz
Recipe is sold by Gikkix in Tanaris.
- 14 x Gedünsteter Sonnenschuppenlachs – 14 Roher Sonnenschuppenlachs
- 14 x Nachtflossensuppe – 14 Roher Nachtflossenschnapper
The recipe is sold by Gikkix in Tanaris.
285 – 300
15 x Geräucherte Wüstenknödel – 15x Sandworm Meat
For this recipe, you have to finish two quests in Silithus:
Sandwurmfleisch is dropped by Baggerschläger and Baggerbrecher in Silithus.
For suggestions, improvement proposals (e.g. cheaper or faster possibilities) or
to report bugs you can always contact me on the Goldgoblin Discord.
Thank you very much!