In this WoW Classic profession guide you will learn how to level up the Blacksmithing profession in in Wrath of the Lich King Classic quickly and efficiently. Of course there are also corresponding guides for Classic Blacksmithing and Burning Crusade Blacksmithing. You want to level up another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.
This guide is based on the state of the closed beta.
Changes are still possible at any time.
Northrend Blacksmithing Trainer
WotLK Classic Blacksmithing can be learned from the following trainers:
Argo Strongstout, Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra) and Rosina Rivet (Howling Fjord)
Crog Steelspine, Warsong Hold (Borean Tundra) and Kristen Smythe (Howling Fjord)
Alard Schmied, Dalaran
Rekka the Hammer, Argent Tournament Grounds (Icecrown) Phase 3
Blacksmithing: 1-375
If your profession is not yet at least 350, the Classic Blacksmithing-Guide and the Burning Crusade Blacksmithing-Guide will help you. Whether you want to skill from 350 to 375 with Northrend recipes or still with Burning Crusade materials is up to you (and the prices in your auction house).
Blacksmithing: 350-450
Shopping List
The following list of materials is only a rough guide to get an overview of the quantitative dimensions of reagents needed to skill at maximum level! Depending on your luck or bad luck with the yellow/green recipes you might need more or less materials.
Depending on the recipe you choose, the crafting costs vary greatly from 440-450, so they are not included here. From 350 to 440 you need the following materials:
- 320 Cobalt Bar
- 250-276 Saronite Bar
- 20 Crystallized Air
- 20-22 Eternal Earth
- 10-12 Eternal Water
- 10-12 Eternal Shadow
- 5-7 Titanium Bar
- 5-7 Titansteel Bar
Leveling Guide: 375-450
10x Kobaltstiefel oder Kobaltgürtel – 40 Kobaltbarren
10x Dreieckiger Kobaltschild or Kobaltarmschienen – 40 Kobaltbarren
5x Kobaltbeinplatten or Kobalthelm – 25 Kobaltbarren
5x Kobaltstulpen – 25 Kobaltbarren
5x Todsichere Shuriken – 35 Kobaltbarren
5x Gekerbte Kobaltkriegsaxt – 50 Kobaltbarren
5x Glänzender Saronitgürtel – 30 Kobaltbarren, 25 Saronitbarren
5x Gehörnter Kobalthelm – 40 Kobaltbarren
10x Tödlicher Saronitlangdolch – 70 Saronitbarren, 20 Kristallisierte Luft
10-12x Ewige Gürtelschnalle – 40-48 Saronitbarren, Äonenerde, Äonenwasser, Äonenschatten
The recipe is yellow from 420, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
Here, of course, there are cheaper alternatives, but the belt buckles will trade very well in the auction house.
5-7x Titanwaffenkette – 10-14 Saronitbarren, 5-7 Titanbarren
The recipe is yellow, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
5x Wilde Saronithalsberge – 70 Saronitbarren, 5 Äonenerde
5-7x Einschüchternde Beinplatten – 35-49 Saronitbarren, 5-7 Äonenerde
It should be noted that the following epic items vary greatly in terms of materials used to make them. Boots and shields cost about the same to make and are cheaper than helmets, which are cheaper than weapons. Take a look at your auction house and decide which items you want to make and sell afterwards.
10x craft of your choice:
- Getemperte Titanstahltreter, Glänzende Titanstahltreter, Stachelbewehrte Titanstahltreter
- Titanschildwall
4x Saronitbarren, 3x Titanstahlbarren, and 1x Gefrorene Kugel - Getemperter Titanstahlhelm, Glänzender Titanstahlhelm, Stachelbewehrter Titanstahlhelm
4x Saronitbarren, 4x Titanstahlbarren, and 1x Gefrorene Kugel - Titanstahlzauberklinge
6x Titanstahlbarren, 6x Schleierstaub, and 2x Gefrorene Kugel
You can also continue crafting Einschüchternde Beinplatten, but the recipe is green from 445.
Blacksmithing Plans (and where to get them);3;0
Zone Drop Plans
- Pläne: Verstärkte Kobaltbeinplatten – Drop from Wilder der Gundrak in Zul’Drak
- Pläne: Verstärkter Kobaltbrustharnisch – Drop from Ausgräber der Venture Co. in Sholazar Basin
- Pläne: Verstärkter Kobalthelm – Drop from Eisenrunenformer in Grizzly Hills
- Pläne: Verstärkte Kobaltschultern – Drop from Steinmetz des Ansturms in Dragonblight
Reputation-bound Plans
- Pläne: Titanbeschlag – requires Alliance Vanguard – Exalted – sold by <Alliance Vanguard Quartermaster>
- Pläne: Titanbeschlag – requires Horde Expedition – Exalted – sold by <Horde Expedition Quartermaster>
Plans from Ulduar
In Ulduar, there are Shoe and Belt Patterns directly from Heroic Bosses. They all require 6 Runed Orb.. These can be traded in the Auction House.
- Pläne: Gürtel der Titanen
- Pläne: Plattenstiefel des Schlachtenlords
- Pläne: Plattengurt der Rechtschaffenheit
- Pläne: Treter des Schicksals
- Pläne: Unzerstörbarer Plattengurt
- Pläne: Stachelbewehrte Todesbringer
Plans from Trial of the Crusader
As in Ulduar, the recipes for chest and bracer armor drop directly from the bosses. Each recipe requires 4-8 Crusader Orb to craft. These can be traded in the Auction House.
- Pläne: Brustplatte des Weißen Ritters
- Pläne: Saronitschwertbrecher
- Pläne: Titanklingenplatte
- Pläne: Titanstachelschützer
- Pläne: Sonnengeschmiedete Brustplatte
- Pläne: Sonnengeschmiedete Armschienen
Plans from ICC
These pants and shoes recipes can be purchased from Alchemist Finklestein on the lowest level of the Citadel. Each costs one Primordial Saronite and takes at least five more to craft. This can be traded in the Auction House.
- Pläne: Reinstahlbeinplatten
- Pläne: Beschützer des Lebens
- Pläne: Beinplatten des schmerzhaften Todes
- Pläne: Höllengefrostete Knochenmalmer
- Pläne: Säulen der Macht
- Pläne: Stiefel des königlichen Aufruhrs
For suggestions, improvement proposals (e.g. cheaper or faster possibilities) or
to report bugs you can always contact me on the Goldgoblin Discord.
Thank you very much!