In this WoW Classic profession guide you will learn how to level up the Blacksmithing profession in in World of Warcraft Classic (20th Anniversary Classic Fresh-, Season of Discovery- and Classic Era-Server) quickly and efficiently. Of course there is also a corresponding Burning Crusade Blacksmithing guide. You want to level up another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.
General Information
- Blacksmithing is one of six Crafting Professions.
- To craft something with Blacksmithing you need a Blacksmithing Hammer, an anvil and sometimes items that are sold from NPCs around your trainers. You can find all the requirements for your item above the materials in your crafting window.
- First and foremost, Blacksmithes need Ores gathered by the Mining profession. If you don’t want to buy them on the auction house, we recommend you Mining as your second profession.
- Blacksmithing offers a lot of armor and weapons of different kind which you can usually sell very easy on the auction house.
Blacksmithing Trainers
With Burning Crusade, every profession is fully learnable up to 300 from the teachers in the capitals.
Don’t forget to visit your profession trainer to not waste any materials!
Apprentice (1-75 | requires Level 5)
Trainer in every major city
Journeyman (75-150 | requires Skill 50 and Level 10)
Trainer in every major city
Expert (150-225 | requires Skill 125 and Level 20) Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge
Saru Steelfury in Orgrimmar
Artisan (225-300 | requires Skill 225 and Level 35)
Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
Leveling Classic Blacksmithing: 1-300
Shopping List
The following list of materials is only a rough guide to get an overview of the quantitative dimensions of reagents needed to skill at maximum level! Depending on your luck or bad luck with the yellow/green recipes you might need more or less materials.
- Kupferbarren x 150
- Bronzebarren x 140
- Silberbarren x 10-15
- Goldbarren x 5
- Eisenbarren x 230
- Stahlbarren x 50
- Mithrilbarren x 340
- Thoriumbarren x 660
- Rauer Stein x 150
- Grober Stein x 95
- Schwerer Stein x 120
- Robuster Schleifstein x 80
- Verdichteter Stein x 120
- Geringer Mondstein x 20
- Sternrubin x 20
- Blauer Machtkristall x 28 x or Blauer Machtkristall x 8 + Roter Machtkristall x 20
- Gelber Machtkristall x 20
- Grüner Machtkristall x 20
- Magiestoff x 76
- Grüner Farbstoff x 15
Required Recipes
- Plans: Mithril Scale Bracers sold by
[Gharash] in Swamp of Sorrows
Harggan in The Hinterlands
- Pläne: Mondstahlbreitschwert – sold by Zarena Stahlwind, Stranglethorn Valley
- Pläne: Schwere Mithrilhose – World Drop
- Pläne: Thoriumarmschienen – World Drop
- Pläne: Thoriumgürtel – World Drop
- Pläne: Thoriumstiefel – World Drop
- Pläne: Thoriumhelm – World Drop
- Pläne: Verschnörkelte Mithrilhandschuhe –
Der große silberne Betrüger (Hunter, Warrior, Paladin)
- Pläne: Verschnörkelte Mithrilhose –
Hier verhütten, da verhütten
- Pläne: Verschnörkelte Mithrilschulter –
Die Kunst der Magieerfüllung (Druid, Warrior, Paladin)
Vendors for Reputation-bound recipes
- [Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock] in the Eastern Plaguelands
- [Lokhtos Darkbargainer] in Blackrock Depths
- [Meilosh] in Felwood
- [Rin’wosho the Trader] in Stranglethorn Vale
Step by Step from 1 to 300
1 – 25
30 x Rauer Wetzstein – [mats] 30 Rauer Stein
25 – 65
60 x Rauer Schleifstein – 120 Rauer Stein
Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 50 to learn the next rank!
65 – 75
25 x Grober Wetzstein – 25 Grober Stein
75 – 90
35 x Grober Schleifstein – 70 Grober Stein
90 – 100
10 x Runenverzierter Kupfergürtel – 100 Kupferbarren
100 – 105
5 x Silberrute – 5 Silberbarren, 10 Grober Schleifstein
105 – 110
5 x Runenverzierter Kupfergürtel – 50 Kupferbarren
10 x Silberrute – 10 Silberbarren
110 – 125
15 x Raue bronzene Gamaschen – 90 Bronzebarren
Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 125 to learn the next rank: Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge
Saru Steelfury in Orgrimmar
125 – 140
35 x Schwerer Schleifstein – 105 Schwerer Stein
140 – 150
10 x Patterned Bronze Bracers – 50 Bronzebarren, 20 Grober Schleifstein
150 – 155
5 x Golden Rod – 5 Goldbarren, 10 Grober Schleifstein
155 – 165
10 x Green Iron Leggings – 80 Eisenbarren, 10 Schwerer Schleifstein, 10 Green Dye
165 – 190
25 x Green Iron Bracers – 150 Eisenbarren, 25 Green Dye
190 – 200
10 x Golden Scale Bracers – 50 Stahlbarren, 20 Schwerer Schleifstein
200 – 210
30 x Robuster Schleifstein – 120 Robuster Schleifstein
210 – 225
15 x Heavy Mithril Gauntlet – 90 Mithrilbarren, 60 Magiestoff
Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 225 to learn the next rank:
Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay
225 – 235
10 x Heavy Mithril Pants – 100 Mithrilbarren, 20 Geringer Mondstein
10 x Mithril Scale Bracers – 80 Mithrilbarren, 20 Citrine
235 – 250
15 x Mithril Coif – 150 Mithrilbarren, 90 Magiestoff
250 – 260
30 x Dense Grinding Stone – 120 Verdichteter Stein
260 – 270
10 x Thorium Bracers – 120 Thoriumbarren, 40 Blauer Machtkristall
10 x Thorium Belt – 120 Thoriumbarren, 40 Roter Machtkristall
270 – 275
5 x Thorium Bracers – 60 Thoriumbarren, 20 Blauer Machtkristall
5 x Thorium Belt – 50 Thoriumbarren, 20 Roter Machtkristall)
Go to Gadgetzan, Tanaris, and get the following quest: [60] A Blue Light Bargain (requires 10x Thoriumbarren) and after that:
[60] Imperial Plate Bracer (requires 20x Thoriumbarren)
You will receive: Plans: Imperial Plate Bracers
275 – 295
20 x Imperial Plate Bracers – 400 Thoriumbarren, 20 Sternrubin
295 – 300
5 x Thorium Helm – 120 Thoriumbarren, 5 Sternrubin, 20 Gelber Machtkristall
5 x Thorium Boots – 100 Thoriumbarren, 40 Unverwüstliches Leder, 20 Grüner Machtkristall
For suggestions, improvement proposals (e.g. cheaper or faster possibilities) or
to report bugs you can always contact me on the Goldgoblin Discord.
Thank you very much!