In this World of Warcraft guide everything revolves around Burning Crusade Classic Blacksmithing and how to level it.
This guide is based on the state of the closed beta.
Changes are still possible at any time.
Outland Blacksmithing Trainer
Burning Crusade Classic Blacksmithing can be learned from the following trainers:
Humphry – Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula [56.8, 63.8]
Mari Stonehand – Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley [36, 55]
Rohok – Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula [53.2, 38.2]
Grutah – Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley [29.7, 31.5]
Zula Slagfury [Armorsmith] – Lower City, Shattrath [69.2, 44.8]
Kradu Grimblade [Weaponsmith] – Lower City, Shattrath [69.2, 44.8]
If you can’t find your trainer directly, you can always ask a city guard.
Blacksmithing: 1-300
If you are not at 300 yet, take a look at our Classic Blacksmithing Guide.
Blacksmithing: 300-375
Shopping List
The following list of materials is only a rough guide to get an overview of the quantitative dimensions of reagents needed to skill at maximum level! Depending on your luck or bad luck with the yellow/green recipes you might need more or less materials.
- 168x Fel Iron Bar
- 75x Adamantite Bar
- 57x Netherweave Cloth
From 360 to 375 the materials you need depends on what recipe you use.
You can find the materials you need down below in the respective section.
For Specialization-Quest: Weaponsmithing
- 56x Mithril Bar
- 56x Iron Bar
- 32x Steel Bar
- 16x Gold Bar
- 16x Heavy Grinding Stone
- 4x Solid Grinding Stone
- 28x Heavy Leather
- 4x Thick Leather
- 16x Strong Flux
- 12x Lesser Moonstone
- 8x Shadowgem
- 4x Citrine
- 2x Black Pearl
For Specialization-Quest: Armorsmithing
- 108x Mithril Bar
- 18x Truesilver Bar
- 8x Thick Leather
- 7x Solid Grinding Stone
- 2x Aquamarine
- 1x Heart of Fire
Skillguide 300-360
If Thorium is cheaper than Fel Iron, craft these:
15x Imperial Plate Boots – 270 Thorium Bar
If Fel Iron is cheaper then Throium, craft these:
300 – 305
7 x Fel Weightstone – 7 Fel Iron Bar, 7 Netherweave Cloth
305 – 315
11 x Fel Iron Plate Belt – 44 Fel Iron Bar
5x Fel Iron Chain Gloves – 25 Fel Iron Bar
5x Fel Iron Chain Boots – 30 Fel Iron Bar
25x Lesser Rune of Warding – 25 Adamantite Bar
The recipe is yellow, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
7x Fel Iron Chain Tunic – 63 Fel Iron Bar
The recipe is yellow, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
For the next step you need Plans: Lesser Ward of Shielding. They are sold by Mari Stonehand at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley and by
Rohok in Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula.
You also need Plans: Adamantite Weightstone, sold by Fedryen Swiftspear at Cenarion Hold in Zangarmarsh.
For this plans you need to be Honored with the Cenarion Expedition.
25x Lesser Ward of Shielding – 25 Adamantite Bar
The recipe is yellow, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
25x Adamantite Weightstone – 25 Adamantite Bar, 50 Netherweave Cloth
The recipe is yellow, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
360-375: Auchenai Crypts BoP Plan
You can get Plans: Felsteel Gloves from Auchenai Monks in Auchenai Crypts (normal or heroic difficulty). The recipe is bound on pickup and only drops when someone with Blacksmithing is in your dungeon group.
17x Felsteel Gloves – 102 Felsteel Bar (306 Fel Iron Bar, 204 Eternium Bar)
The recipe is yellow from 370, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
From 360 – 375 you can also go with your Shattrath factions recipes. The plans are purchased from your respective Quartermaster.
360-375: Aldor
Revered reputation is required. Plans are sold by Quartermaster Endarin in Shattrath.
Plans: Flamebane Gloves requires Honored reputation.
Plans: Flamebane Breastplate requires Revered reputation.
10x Flamebane Gloves
80 Fel Iron Bar, 40 Primal Water, 40 Primal Fire
5x Flamebane Breastplate
80 Fel Iron Bar, 30 Primal Water, 20 Primal Fire
360-375: Scryers
Revered reputation is required. Plans are sold by Quartermaster Enuril in Shattrath.
Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Belt requires Friendly reputation.
Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate requires Revered reputation.
Blacksmithing with the Scryers is significantly more expensive than Aldor.
10x Enchanted Adamantite Belt
20 Hardened Adamantite Bar, 80 Arcane Dust, 20 Large Prismatic Shard
5x Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate
20 Hardened Adamantite Bar, 80 Arcane Dust, 20 Large Prismatic Shard
To become an Armorsmith, pick up the quest The Art of the Armorsmith from either
Grumnus Steelshaper in Ironforge or
Okothos Ironrager in Orgrimmar. They both want you to bring them these items:
Total materials required if you craft the items yourself:
- 108x Mithril Bar
- 18x Truesilver Bar
- 8x Thick Leather
- 7x Solid Grinding Stone
- 2x Aquamarine
- 1x Heart of Fire
After finishing the Quest you are an Armorsmith and able to craft unique mail and plate gear which Weaponsmiths cannot. The gear you can craft is in the list below the weaponsmith section.
To become a Weaponsmith, pick up the quest The Way of the Weaponsmit from
Ironus Coldsteel in Ironforge or
Borgosh Corebender in Orgrimmar. They both want you to bring them these items:
Total materials required if you craft the items yourself:
- 56x Mithril Bar
- 56x Iron Bar
- 32x Steel Bar
- 16x Gold Bar
- 16x Heavy Grinding Stone
- 4x Solid Grinding Stone
- 28x Heavy Leather
- 4x Thick Leather
- 16x Strong Flux
- 12x Lesser Moonstone
- 8x Shadowgem
- 4x Citrine
- 2x Black Pearl
After finishing the Quest you are a Weaponsmith and able to craft specialized Axes, Maces, and Swords.
In Burning Crusade the Weaponsmith specialization is divided into three sub-specilizations: Axesmithing, Hammersmithing and Swordsmithing. You don’t have to complete any more quests, just talk to one of these NPCs in Everlook, Winterspring to specialize even more:
- For Master Axesmith speak to Kilram.
- For Master Hammersmith speak to Lilith the Lithe.
- For Master Swordsmith speak to Seril Scourgebane.
In the following section you can find the weapons you can create with the respective specialization.
Specialized Armor and Weapons
Specialized armor or weapons are crafted in a tiered fashion, heightening your item level from tier to tier with more materials. For example, to get Bulwark of the Ancient Kings as an Armorsmith you have to Breastplate of Kings, then extend that with additional materials to make the Bulwark of Kings, and then again crafting the Bulwark with even more materials to create the Bulwark of the Ancient Kings. These crafting chains are learned from your Armor or Weaponsmith trainer.
Armorsmith only
- Breastplate of Kings (Plate) ➔ Bulwark of Kings ➔ Bulwark of the Ancient Kings
- Nether Chain Shirt (Mail) ➔ Twisting Nether Chain Shirt ➔ Embrace of the Twisting Nether
Weaponsmith only
- The Planar Edge (1-Hand) ➔ The Planar Edge ➔ Wicked Edge of the Planes
- Lunar Crescent (2-Hand) ➔ Mooncleaver ➔ Bloodmoon
- Drakefist Hammer (1-Hand) ➔ Dragonmaw ➔ Dragonstrike
- Thunder (2-Hand) ➔ Deep Thunder ➔ Stormherald
- Fireguard (1-Hand) ➔ Blazeguard ➔ Blazefury
- Lionheart Blade (2-Hand) ➔ Lionheart Champion ➔ Lionheart Executioner
Blacksmithing Plans (and where to get them)
Epic Plans – Black Temple
Plan (Skill) and Item (iLvL) | Source |
Plans: Dawnsteel Bracers (375 – BoP) Dawnsteel Bracers (141 – BoE) | Raid: Black Temple (Trash-Drop) |
Plans: Dawnsteel Shoulders (375 – BoE) Dawnsteel Shoulders (141 – BoP) | Raid: Black Temple (Trash-Drop) |
Plans: Swiftsteel Bracers (375 – BoP) Swiftsteel Bracers (141 – BoE) | Raid: Black Temple (Trash-Drop) |
Plans: Swiftsteel Shoulders (375 – BoE) Swiftsteel Shoulders (141 – BoP) | Raid: Black Temple (Trash-Drop) |
Epic Plans – Sunwell
Plan (Skill) and Item (iLvL) | Source |
Plans: Hard Khorium Battleplate (365 – BoE) Hard Khorium Battleplate (159 – BoP) | Raid: Sunwell Plateau (Trash) |
Plans: Hard Khorium Battlefists (365 – BoP) Hard Khorium Battlefists (159 – BoE) | Raid: Sunwell Plateau (Trash) |
Plans: Sunblessed Breastplate (365 – BoE) Sunblessed Breastplate (159 – BoP) | Raid: Sunwell Plateau (Trash) |
Plans: Sunblessed Gauntlets (365 – BoP) Sunblessed Gauntlets (159 – BoE) | Raid: Sunwell Plateau (Trash) |
Bind on Equip (iLvl 105)
The plans and the items can be purchased and sold on the auction house.
- Plans: Black Felsteel Bracers (365 ) ➔ Black Felsteel Bracers
- Plans: Blessed Bracers (365 ) ➔ Blessed Bracers
- Plans: Bracers of the Green Fortress (365) ➔ Bracers of the Green Fortress
- Plans: Dirge (365 ) ➔ Dirge (105 )
- Plans: Eternium Runed Blade (365) ➔ Eternium Runed Blade
- Plans: Fel Edged Battleaxe (365) ➔ Fel Edged Battleaxe
- Plans: Fel Hardened Maul (365) ➔ Fel Hardened Maul
- Plans: Felfury Gauntlets (365) ➔ Felfury Gauntlets
- Plans: Felsteel Longblade (365) ➔ Felsteel Longblade
- Plans: Felsteel Reaper (365) ➔ Felsteel Reaper
- Plans: Gauntlets of the Iron Tower (365) ➔ Gauntlets of the Iron Tower
- Plans: Hammer of Righteous Might (365) ➔ Hammer of Righteous Might
- Plans: Hand of Eternity (365) ➔ Hand of Eternity
- Plans: Helm of the Stalwart Defender (365) ➔ Helm of the Stalwart Defender
- Plans: Khorium Champion (365) ➔ Khorium Champion
- Plans: Oathkeeper’s Helm (365) ➔ Oathkeeper’s Helm
- Plans: Runic Hammer (365) ➔ Runic Hammer
- Plans: Steelgrip Gauntlets (365) ➔ Steelgrip Gauntlets
- Plans: Storm Helm (365) ➔ Storm Helm
BoP/BoE (iLvl 128)
In this case, either the plan or the item is Bind on Pickup, so please be aware of that!
- Plans: Belt of the Guardian (375 – BoP) ➔ Belt of the Guardian (128 – BoE)
- Plans: Boots of the Protector (375 – BoE) ➔ Boots of the Protector (128 – BoP)
- Plans: Red Belt of Battle (375 – BoP) ➔ Red Belt of Battle (128 – BoE)
- Plans: Red Havoc Boots (375 – BoE) ➔ Red Havoc Boots (128 – BoP)
Nature Resist Gear (Cenarion Expedition) – Gear binds when equipped
These Plans are sold by Fedryen Swiftspear at Cenarion Hold in Zangarmarsh.
- Plans: Wildguard Helm requires Revered (Wildguard Helm)
- Plans: Wildguard Leggings requires Revered (Wildguard Leggings)
- Plans: Wildguard Breastplate requires Exalted (Wildguard Breastplate)
Frost Resist Gear (Violet Hold) – Gear binds when equipped
These Plans are sold by Koren in Karazhan.
- Plans: Iceguard Breastplate requires Honored (Iceguard Breastplate)
- Plans: Iceguard Helm requires Honored ( Iceguard Helm)
- Plans: Iceguard Leggings requires Revered (Iceguard Leggings)
Shadow Resist Gear (Ashtongue Deathsworn) – Gear binds when equipped
These Plans are sold by Okuno in Black Temple.
- Plans: Shadesteel Bracers requires Friendly (Shadesteel Bracers)
- Plans: Shadesteel Girdle requires Friendly (Shadesteel Girdle)
- Plans: Shadesteel Greaves requires Honored (Shadesteel Greaves)
- Plans: Shadesteel Sabots requires Honored (Shadesteel Sabots)
For suggestions, improvement proposals (e.g. cheaper or faster possibilities) or
to report bugs you can always contact me on the Goldgoblin Discord.
Thank you very much!