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Wednesday, 22. June 2022

First Aid

In this WoW Classic profession guide you will learn how to level up the First Aid profession in in World of Warcraft Classic (20th Anniversary Classic Fresh-, Season of Discovery- and Classic Era-Server) quickly and efficiently. Of course there is also a corresponding Burning Crusade First Aid guide. You want to level up another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.

First Aid Trainers

Don’t forget to visit your profession trainer to not waste any materials!

Apprentice (1-75 | requires Level 5)

Journeyman (75-150 | requires Skill 50)

Expert (150-225 | requires Skill 125 and Level 20)
WoW AllianzWoW Horde Trainable through Erste Hilfe für Experten – Verbinden, aber richtig

Artisan (225-300 | requires Skill 225 and Level 35)
WoW Allianz Quest Reward: Diese Quest ist zu erledigen!Triage
WoW Horde Quest Reward: Diese Quest ist zu erledigen! Triage

Healing of different bandages


Skill-Level 80: Wollverband learned from every First Aid Trainer
Skill-Level 115Schwerer Wollverband learned from every First Aid Trainer
Skill-Level 151Seidenverband learned from every First Aid Trainer
Skill-Level 180: Use Handbuch: Schwerer Seidenverband to learn Schwerer Seidenverband
Skill-Level 210: Use Handbuch: Magiestoffverband to learn Magiestoffverband
Skill-Level 240 & Level 40: Learn Schwerer Magiestoffverband from WoW Allianz Doktor Gustaf van Howzen or WoW Horde Doktor Gregory Victor
Skill-Level 260 & Level 40: Learn Runenstoffverband from WoW Allianz Doktor Gustaf van Howzen or  WoW Horde Doktor Gregory Victor
Skill-Level 290 & Level 40: Learn Schwerer Runenstoffverband from WoW Allianz Doktor Gustaf van Howzen or  WoW Horde Doktor Gregory Victor

Leveling Classic-First Aid: 1-300

1 – 40

50 x Leinenverband – 50x Leinenstoff

40 – 80

50 x Schwerer Leinenverband – 100x Leinenstoff

Visit your trainer after you reached Skill 50 to learn the next rank!

80 – 115

50 x Wollverband – 50x Wollstoff

115 – 150

150 – 180

50 x Seidenverband – 50x Seidenstoff

180 – 210

210 – 240

30 x Magiestoffverband – 30x Magiestoff

If you reached Skill 225 (Level 35) you have to finish this quest:

WoW Allianz Diese Quest ist zu erledigen!Triage | WoW Horde Diese Quest ist zu erledigen! Triage We recommend you to show the NPCs Health Bars while healing the NPCs. (Standard: Ctrl + V)

Read the following steps and you may think, it is a good idea, to take a lot of cloth with you, because you have to come back several times to your factions doctor to learn further bandages.

240 – 260

With Skill 240, talk to WoW Allianz Doktor Gustaf van Howzen or WoW Horde Doktor Gregory Victor to learn Heave Mageweave Bandage.

30 x Schwerer Magiestoffverband – 60x Magiestoff

260 – 290

With Skill 260, once again talk to WoW Allianz Doktor Gustaf van Howzen or WoW Horde Doktor Gregory Victor to learn Runecloth Bandage.

50 x Runenstoffverband – 50x Runenstoff

290 – 300

With Skill 290, one last time again talk to WoW Allianz Doktor Gustaf van Howzen or WoW Horde Doktor Gregory Victor to learn Heavy Runecloth Bandage.

20 x Schwerer Runenstoffverband – 20x Runenstoff

For suggestions, improvement proposals (e.g. cheaper or faster possibilities) or
to report bugs you can always contact me on the Goldgoblin Discord.
Thank you very much!

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