These guides are meant to make your life easier on the Hardcore Realms.
In Thousand Needles is a cave that contains many level 28-30 Harpies. These have a fast respawn and drop good trash items that you can sell at the merchant for gold.
Where is the cave?
In the south of the Thousand Needles zone there is a cave called the Roguefeather Den. This can be reached via a path on the rock face.
Both inside and outside the cave are the following harpies:
Due to the fast respawn you should be extremely careful in the cave!
Why is the Farmspot worth it?
Since these harpies are humanoids, they drop woolen as well as silk cloth.
Additionally, you have the chance to get armor and weapons, as well as gray trash items, which you can sell at the merchant.
For example, you get 8 silver for a colorful feather bush!
You should always sell green or blue armor/weapons in the auction house, because on HC realms the demand for any improvement is very high!