In this WoW Classic profession guide you will learn how to level up the Inscription profession in in Wrath of the Lich King Classic quickly and efficiently. You want to level up another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.
This guide is based on the state of the closed beta.
Changes are still possible at any time.
Northrend Inscription Trainers
Wrath of the Lich King Classic Inscription can be learned from the following trainers:
Old world
Jo’mah – Orgrimmar
Margaux Parchley – Undercity
Poshken Hardbinder – Thunder Bluff
Zantasia – Silvermoon
Catarina Stanford – Sturmwind
Elise Brightletter – Ironforge
Feyden Darkin – Darnassus
Thoth – Exodar
Michael Schwan, Honor Hold (Hellfire Peninsula)
Neferatti, Thrallmar (Hellfire Peninsula)
Recorder Lidio (Aldor) or Scribe Lanloer (Scryers), Shattrath
Tink Brightbolt, Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra) and Mindri Dinkles (Howling Fjord)
Adelene Sunlance, Warsong Hold (Borean Tundra) and Booker Kells (Howling Fjord)
Professor Pallin, Dalaran
Arthur Denny, Argent Tournament Grounds (Icecrown) Phase 3
Also, Jessica Sellers in Dalaran is very important. She offers to exchange your Northrend Inks for every other Ink.
Pigments are necessary to be able to produce glyphs at all. You can get them with the new skill Milling. With this skill, you crush 5 herbs of the same type and receive pigments in return. For this reason, it is not uncommon to also have the Herbalism profession as an Inscriptionist. But of course, you can also just buy the herbs you need.
Some herbs have a higher chance of granting uncommon Pigments during milling. These herbs are marked with a + in the table below. However, the green inks are not too relevant for the recipes to bring the profession to maximum level.
This list is extremely relevant, especially for the purchase of herbs for milling.
Inscription: 1-450
Shopping List
The following list of materials is only a rough guide to get an overview of the quantitative dimensions of reagents needed to skill at maximum level! Depending on your luck or bad luck with the yellow/green recipes you might need more or less materials.
- 70 Alabasterfarbene Pigmente (ca. 160 T1 Herbs)
- 40 Anthrazitfarbene Pigmente (ca. 80 T2 Herbs)
- 94 Goldfarbene Pigmente (ca. 160 T3 Herbs)
- 94 Smaragdfarbene Pigmente (ca. 160 T4 Herbs)
- 90 Violette Pigmente und 5 Rubinfarbene Pigmente (ca. 180 T5 Herbs)
- 50 Silbrige Pigmente und 15 Saphirfarbene Pigmente (ca. 120 T6 Herbs)
Especially here, I recommend you to go for herbs marked with a + to reliably gather the 15 rare pigments. - 90 Netherpigmente und 10 Ebenholzfarbene Pigmente (ca. 200 BC Herbs)
- 190 Azurblaue Pigmente und 10 Eisblaue Pigmente (ca. 400 WotLK Herbs)
These values are average values calculated from a grinding of 100 herbs per animal. Of course, if you are very unlucky and constantly get only 2 pigments where you could get 3 per milling, you will need more herbs.
Leveling Guide: 1-300
This guide is based on the state of the closed beta.
Changes are still possible at any time.
20 x Elfenbeintinte – 20 Alabasterfarbene Pigmente
The recipe is yellow from 15, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
15 x Rolle der Ausdauer – 15 Elfenbeintinte, 15 Leichtes Pergament
25 x Mondlichttinte – 50 Alabasterfarbene Pigmente
The recipe is yellow from 45, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
After this step you should visit your trainer to be able to skill up to 150.
20 x Verzauberungspergament – 20 Mondlichttinte, 40 Leichtes Pergament
20 x Mitternachtstinte – 40 Anthrazitfarbene Pigmente
The recipe is gray from 80, but you’ll need 20 of these inks as you go along.
20 x Glyphs from Mitternachtstinte, deren Rezept orange sind – 20 Midnight Ink, 20 Parchment
47 x Löwentinte – 94 Goldfarbene Pigmente
The recipe is gray from 105, but you will need 47 of these inks as you go along.
45 x orange Glyphs from Löwentinte – 45 Löwentinte, 45 Parchment
Every 5 skill points there are 2-3 new glyphs, the recipe of which is orange.
Starting at 145, all glyphs are yellow, so you may need to make the last glyph more than 5x.
After this step you should visit your trainer to be able to skill up to 225.
47 x Jadefeuertinte – 94 Smaragdfarbene Pigmente
The recipe is gray from 155, but you will need 47 of these inks as you go along.
45-47 x orange Glyphs from Jadefeuertinte – 45-47 Jadefire Ink, 45-47 Parchment
Every 5 skill points there are 2-3 new glyphs, the recipe of which is orange.
From 195 on, all glyphs are yellow, so you may need to make the last glyph more than 5x.
45 x Firmamenttinte – 90 Violette Pigmente
25 x orange Glyphs from Firmamenttinte – 25 Celestial Ink, 25 Parchment
Every 5 skill points there are 2-3 new glyphs, the recipe of which is orange.
From 225 you can make Feuertinte from 2 Rubinfarbene Pigmente each (5 of them are needed anyway). If you got a lot of them while Milling, you can skip a few glyph points by doing so.
After this step you should visit your trainer to be able to skill up to 300.
5 x Feurige Tinte – 5 Ruby Pigment
You will need these inks in the 245-250 step. Since 230 is probably not reached after that, fill the remaining points with glyphs whose recipe is orange.
15 x orange Glyphs from Firmamenttinte – 15 Celestial Ink, 15 Parchment
Every 5 skill points there are 2-3 new glyphs, the recipe of which is orange.
5 x Waffenpergament II – 5 Feurige Tinte, 5 Firmamenttinte, 10 Schweres Pergament
25 x Perlmutttinte – 50 Silbrige Pigmente
5 x Rolle der Willenskraft V – 5 Perlmutttinte, 10 Schweres Pergament
15 x orange Glyphs from Perlmutttinte – 15 Perlmutttinte , 15 Parchment
Every 5 skill points there are 2-3 new glyphs, the recipe of which is orange.
15 Himmelstinte – 15 Saphirfarbene Pigmente
If you didn’t get enough Sapphire Pigments when grinding, you can still make glyphs from Shimmering Ink.
Here, it’s conceivable to skill up to 300 with Scroll of Stamina IV (10 Shimmering Ink, 20 Heavy Parchment), from then on it’s yellow. You can also use leftovers beyond 300, if you have a lot of inks left over, and still skill in the green range if you want. But of course it’s faster if you do the following directly from 290:
Leveling Guide: 300-350
45 x Astraltinte – 90 Netherpigmente
The recipe is yellow from 295, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
20 x orange Glyphs from Astraltinte – 20 Astraltinte, 20 Parchment
10 x Dunkelflammentinte – 10 Ebenholzfarbene Pigmente
25 x orange Glyphs from Astraltinte – 25 Astraltinte, 25 Parchment
From 355 all glyphs from Burning Crusade are yellow, from 360 green, from then on skilling with BC glyphs makes no sense at all. It is therefore recommended to continue skilling with Northrend materials from 355 onwards (or even directly from 350).
Leveling Guide: 350-450
95x Meerestinte – 190 Azurblaue Pigmente
10 x Schneegestöbertinte – 10 Eisblaue Pigmente
If you don’t have Icy Pigments, just keep making glyphs until 385.
5 x gelbe Glyphen aus Meerestinte nach Wahl – 5 Meerestinte, 5 Widerstandsfähiges Pergament
Conduct a undefined – 3 Meerestinte, 1 Schneegestöbertinte, 5 Widerstandsfähiges Pergament
25 x the glyph that the research from the last step revealed to you – 25 Meerestinte, 25 Widerstandsfähiges Pergament
Once again you use Northrend Inscription Research.
The fastest way to get to 450 is to do the research regularly and then build the glyphs that come out of it.
Again, you will need 20 Meerestinte and 20 Widerstandsfähiges Pergament.
Recipes (and where to get them)
In this section you will (hopefully) find all the recipes that all the master inscription Trainers of Northrend have no idea exist:
- Buch der Glyphenbeherrschung – These books are random loot throughout Northrend and can be sold at the Auction House. They can be used from Inscription Level 425 and will teach you one of 31 (34) recipes.
- Technik: Rituale des Neumonds – To get this drop you need to complete a series of quests in the Grizzly Hills.
Darkmoon Cards
One of the best reasons to skill Inscription Lore is to craft Dunkelmond-Karte des Nordens. All you need is skill 400, and a trainer in Northrend will teach it to you. If you build it, you get a random card of a set with a number between 2 and 8 or an ace. As soon as you have all eight cards of a set you can transform them (via right click) into the respective set. The set will then start a quest, which will be rewarded with a trinket as soon as the Darkmoon Faire is active. These cards (and also the set) are not bound to your character and can be sold!
These Sets are available in Northrend:
- Untodeskartenset -> Dunkelmond-Karte: Tod (Crit, Chance on additional Shadow Damage)
- Prismenkartenset -> Dunkelmond-Karte: Illusion (Spellpower, Use: Shield + Manareg)
- Adligenkartenset
- Dunkelmond-Karte: Grandeur (Strength)
- Dunkelmond-Karte: Grandeur (Agility)
- Dunkelmond-Karte: Grandeur (Spirit)
- Dunkelmond-Karte: Grandeur (Intellect)
- Chaoskartenset -> Dunkelmond-Karte: Berserker! (Resilience, Critical Strike Rating)
Shoulder Enchants
With Skill 450 you can use Schneegestöbertinte to make shoulder enchantments for themselves.
These are available here:
- Meisterinschrift der Axt (120 Attack Power, 15 Crit)
- Meisterinschrift der Klippen (70 Spellpower, 8 mp/5)
- Meisterinschrift des Turms (60 Dodge, 15 Defense)
- Meisterinschrift des Sturms (70 Spellpower, 15 Crit)
Inscriptioners can also craft Offhand Items. In Northrend, these two are the only ones worth mentioning:
- Gesichter der Verdammnis: Int, Spirit, Spellpower, Crit
- Eisengebundener Foliant: Stamina, Spellpower, Crit
For suggestions, improvement proposals (e.g. cheaper or faster possibilities) or
to report bugs you can always contact me on the Goldgoblin Discord.
Thank you very much!