In this WoW Classic profession guide you will learn how to level up the Alchemy profession in in Wrath of the Lich King Classic quickly and efficiently. Of course there are also corresponding guides for Classic Alchemy and Burning Crusade Alchemy. You want to level up another profession? Then take a look at the overview of all profession guides.
This guide is based on the state of the closed beta.
Changes are still possible at any time.
Northrend Alchemy Trainer
Wrath of the Lich King Classic Alchemy can be learned from the following trainers:
Falorn Nachtflüstern, Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra) and Lanolis Dewdrop (Howling Fjord)
Arthur Henslow, Warsong Hold (Borean Tundra) and Wilhelmina Renel (Howling Fjord)
Apothecary Wormwick and Apothecary Bressa (Dragonblight)
Linzy Schwarzbolz, Dalaran
Krista Hellfunk, Argent Tournament Grounds (Icecrown) Phase 3
Alchemy: 1-350
If your profession is not yet at least 350, the Classic Alchemy Guide and the Burning Crusade Alchemy Guide will help you. Whether you want to skill from 350 to 375 with Northrend recipes or still with Burning Crusade materials is up to you (and the prices in your auction house).
Alchemy: 350-450
Shopping List
The following list of materials is only a rough guide to get an overview of the quantitative dimensions of reagents needed to skill at maximum level! Depending on your luck or bad luck with the yellow/green recipes you might need more or less materials.
The following materials are needed for 350-435:
- 75-86 Goldklee
- 35-41 Tigerlilie
- 20 Talandras Rose
- 10-12 Schlangenzunge
- 10 Eisdorn
- 40-54 Lichblüte
- 5 Nephrit, 5 Riesencitrin, 10 Äonenfeuer, 56 Saronitbarren
or - 10 Nephrit, 10 Riesencitrin, 20 Äonenfeuer
Depending on your Flask Recipe choice of 435-450 you will need either of these:
- 75 Icethorn, 75 Lichbloom, 15 Frost Lotus
- 105 Lichbloom, 45 Crystallized Life, 15 Frost Lotus
- 105 Icethorn, 45 Pygmy Oil, 15 Frost Lotus
- 105 Lichbloom, 45 Goldclover, 15 Frost Lotus
Leveling Guide
10 x Wiederauflebender Heiltrank – 20 Goldclover
5 x Eisiger Manatrank – 10 Talandra’s Rose
15-17 x Zaubermachtelixier – 15-17 Goldclover, 15-17 Tiger Lily
The recipe is yellow from 375, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
5 x Trank der Alpträume – 5 Goldclover, 10 Talandra’s Rose
10-12 x Elixier der mächtigen Stärke – 20-24 Tiger Lily
The recipe is yellow from 390, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
10-12 x Elixier der mächtigen Beweglichkeit – 10-12 Goldclover, 10-12 Adder’s Tongue
The recipe is yellow from 400, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
From skill 400 you can complete an Alchemical Research North End with 4 Schlangenzunge, 10 Goldklee and 10 Talandras Rose. This will allow you to research new Alchemy Recipes. To save one skill point with Elixir of Mighty Agility you can include this research.
Also, you can now craft Unzerstörbarer Alchemistenstein, Unzerstörbarer Alchemistenstein or Mächtiger Alchemistenstein. It’s best to choose the one that suits your class and your specialization.
5 x Runenverzierter Heiltrank – 5 Goldclover, 10 Icethorn
20-27 x Runenverzierter Manatrank – 20-27 Goldclover, 40-54 Lichbloom
The recipe is yellow from 415, so skill points are then no longer guaranteed and you may need to make the recipe more times, requiring more materials than specified.
– green from 422425-435
10 x Transmutieren: Erdringdiamant – 10 Nephrit, 10 Riesencitrin, 20 Äonenfeuer
From 425-430 you can also transmute Titanium. For this you need 56 Saronitbarren and save half of the materials specified for the meta-gem. Depending on the prices in the AH maybe the better option.
15 x Fläschchen des Frostwyrms, Fläschchen des Steinbluts, Fläschchen des reinen Mojo or Fläschchen der endlosen Wut according to choice (or depending on auction house prices).
- 15x Flask of the Frost Wyrm: 75 Icethorn, 75 Lichbloom, 15 Frost Lotus
- 15x Flask of Stoneblood: 105 Lichbloom, 45 Crystallized Life, 15 Frost Lotus
- 15x Flask of Pure Mojo: 105 Icethorn, 45 Pygmy Oil, 15 Frost Lotus
- 15x Flask of Endless Rage: 105 Lichbloom, 45 Goldklee, 15 Frost Lotus
Specializations all require you to have a skill level of at least 325 and a character level of at least 68.
They start at your Master trainers location in Hellfire Peninsula: Alchemist Gribble in Honor Hold or
Apothecary Antonivich in Thrallmar.
Once you have chosen a Mastery, you can change it only by paying the quest giver of your current mastery 150 Gold.
Master of Potions
Accept the Master of Potions quest from your Master Trainer in Hellfire Peninsula.
Travel to the Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh and speak with Lauranna Thar’well.
Finish the second Master of Potions quest with the following objectives:
- Botanist’s Field Guide (from High Botanist Freywinn in Dungeon: The Botanica)
- 5x Super Healing Potion
- 5x Super Mana Potion
- 5x Major Dreamless Sleep Potion
Total materials needed:
- 15x Dreaming Glory
- 10x Netherbloom
- 10x Felweed
- 5x Nightmare Vine
If you don’t have them, you can get Recipe: Super Mana Potion and Recipe: Major Dreamless Sleep Potion from either Haalrun at Telredor in Zangarmarsh or from
Daga Ramba at Thunderlord Stronghold in Blade’s Edge Mountains.
Once the quest is finished, you’ll become a Potion Master. Its the easiest specialization you can choose.
Master of Elixirs
Accept the Master of Elixirs quest from your Master Alchemy trainer in Hellfire Peninsula.
Travel to Shattrath and meet with Lorokeem in Lower City.
Finish the second Master of Elixirs quest with the following objectives:
- 10x Essence of Infinity (from Rift Lords and Rift Keepers in Dungeon: The Black Morass, Caverns of Time)
- 5x Elixir of Major Defense
- 5x Elixir of Mastery
- 5x Elixir of Major Agility
Total materials needed:
- 25x Terocone
- 15x Ancient Lichen
- 15x Nightmare Vine
Once the quest is finished, you are an Elixir Master, granting you proc chances when crafting Elixirs.
Master of Transmutation
Accept the Master of Transmutation quest from your Master Alchemy trainer in Hellfire Peninsula.
Travel to Zarevhi at Stormspire in Netherstorm.
Finish the second Master of Transmutation quest, which will require you to him 4x Primal Might.
Transmute: Primal Might requires one of each of the Primal Elements, which can be expensive.
Once the quest is finished, you are a Transmutation Master, granting you the chance to proc additional elements when transmuting.
Recipes (and where to get them)
In this section you will (hopefully) find all the recipes that all the Master Alchemy Trainers of Northrend have no idea exist:
Recpipe (Skill) | Source |
Recipe: Flask of the North (425) | [na] |
Recipe: Mighty Arcane Protection Potion (400) | Drop: Cult Researcher |
Recipe: Mighty Fire Protection Potion (400) | Drop: Skeletal Runesmith |
Recipe: Mighty Frost Protection Potion (400) | Drop: Damned Apothecary |
Recipe: Mighty Nature Protection Potion (400) | Drop: Cult Alchemist |
Recipe: Mighty Shadow Protection Potion (400) | Drop: Cultist Shard Watcher |
Alchemist’s Stones
Alchemist’s Stones are taught by your Trainer in this expansion. There are three of them:
- Unzerstörbarer Alchemistenstein (Stamina + Dodge)
- Mächtiger Alchemistenstein (Attack Power + Crit)
- Quecksilbriger Alchemistenstein (Spellpower + Haste)
For suggestions, improvement proposals (e.g. cheaper or faster possibilities) or
to report bugs you can always contact me on the Goldgoblin Discord.
Thank you very much!