In this guide we will show you some of the best and most efficient places and routes to farm Kristallisiertes Feuer und Äonenfeuer in World of Warcraft Classic! So if you don't want to buy your materials in the auction house, you've come to the right place! If you're not hunting for Kristallisiertes Feuer und Äonenfeuer at all, you might want to take a look at all the other farming guides available!
Farming Eternal Fire in Wintergrasp
This farm spot will be by far the most efficient, but also the most visited, because there you not only reliably get Crystallized Fire, but there is also a daily quest. Depending on how it behaves with the layering, you can farm here quite wonderfully.
Farming Eternal Fire in Storm Peaks
At this farm spot you will find fire elementals around the lake as well as along the path to the east. Competition should be a bit less here than in Wintergrasp.
Farming Eternal Fire in Borean Tundra
At this farm spot, the enemies are a bit lower level, which makes them easier to kill. Here, you can theoretically start farming Eternal Fire at level 70. It also has water elementals, so you can farm water and fire at the same time, which makes it quite attractive.
Farming Eternal Fire in Storm Peaks
An alternative in the Storm Peaks is this farm spot. The elementals here look more like fire-air elementals and are located in the cave marked on the map.
Farming Eternal Fire with Engineering
Whether it is actually worthwhile to farm Crystallized/Eternal Elements with Engineering in WotLK is unclear, because the clouds are nowhere near as numerous as in Burning Crusade. But combined with mining or herbalism, it can be worthwhile to look for clouds too!
For suggestions, improvement proposals (e.g. cheaper or faster possibilities) or
to report bugs you can always contact me on the Goldgoblin Discord.
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