Explore new zones, dungeons, and raids, engage in PvP combat, and discover the mysteries of the Darkmoon Faire. With the launch of Cataclysm Classic, the adventure begins anew. Are you ready to face the challenges that await?
What’s Inside Cataclysm Classic
With the launch of Cataclysm Classic on May 20, players will begin their journey from level 80 to 85 through new zones, new dungeons and raids, engage in PvP combat in Tol Barad, and delve further into the mysteries of the Darkmoon Faire on Darkmoon Island.
- 7 New Zones: Mount Hyjal, Vash’jir, Twilight Highlands, Uldum, Deepholm, Kezan, and Gilneas.
- 9 New Dungeons: Blackrock Caverns, Throne of the Tides, Vortex Pinnacle, The Stonecore, The Lost City of Tol’vir, The Halls of Origination, Grim Batol, Deadmines, Shadowfang Keep
- Dungeon Journal Introduced
- 3 New Raid Dungeons: Throne of the Four Winds, Blackwing Descent, and Bastion of Twilight
- Boss Based Raid Lock system: Allowing players to do either the 10 or 25-player raid version of each boss in the same week. Lockouts are based on individual bosses.
- Tol Barad PvP Zone
- Darkmoon Island: Discover the mysteries Silas Darkmoon has in store for you.
- Flying in Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor
Unveiling Cataclysm Classic Zones, Dungeons, and PvP Season 9
Cataclysm Classic provides seven new zones to explore, nine new dungeons, and more beginning May 20 at 3:00 pm PDT globally. May 28 also introduces the start of a new PvP Season followed by the opening of three raid dungeons on May 30 at 3:00 pm PDT globally. Take a journey into the shattered lands and plumb the depths of what this classic experience has to offer.
Battle for Control of Tol Barad
An island off the coast of the Eastern Kingdoms, Tol Barad is a historic land sought-after by the leaders of the Horde and the Alliance. Its strategic, isolated location makes it an ideal stronghold from which to conduct military strikes. In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic, a battle will be waged to seize control of this prized territory. Should you triumph, unique rewards await you.
Similar to Wintergrasp in Wrath of the Lich King Classic™, Tol Barad will serve as an 80 vs 80 battleground. Reachable by portals in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, or via a level-85 mage teleport or portal, Tol Barad will accept up to eighty players per faction to engage in brutal combat across the island’s surface. Battles will take place every two hours and thirty minutes, giving the offensive faction a chance to claim territory. Learn more from our overview.
Ignite Your Cataclysm Classic Journey with Fiery Upgrades
Cataclysm Classic will require only a WoW® subscription or Game Time to play. However, these optional upgrades can heat up your experience during your adventures in Azeroth.
Blazing Heroic Pack
The Blazing Heroic Pack includes Lil’ Wrathion pet for both WoW Classic progression2 and modern World of Warcraft characters3, the Avatar of Flame flying mount2 for WoW Classic progression characters, and a Runebound Firelord flying mount for modern World of Warcraft characters3. WoW Classic progression characters will also enjoy Hammer Regalia Transmog Set4 and Town-In-A-Box Starter Set toy 4.
Blazing Epic Upgrade
The Blazing Epic Upgrade includes everything in the Blazing Heroic Pack, plus a Level 80 Character Boost and 30 days of Game Time.
Source: news.blizzard.com